To check quiz results in Zendesk, go to the Coaching section and select Quizzes. Click on the quiz to view your team's responses. You can see an overview of the most common answers and drill down to individual responses. Results can be filtered by workspace and its members.
Creating a quiz in Zendesk is a straightforward process. Navigate to the Coaching section, select Quizzes, and click on +quiz. Add a title and optionally a description for your quiz. Choose the workspace(s) where the quiz will belong, add questions…
Once a quiz is published in Zendesk, you cannot change its workspace. However, you can duplicate the quiz, modify it as needed, and assign it to a different workspace. This allows you to make necessary changes without affecting the original quiz.
In Zendesk, only workspace managers, leads, or higher roles have the permission to create quizzes. This ensures that quizzes are managed by those with the appropriate level of access and responsibility.
The quiz leaderboard in Zendesk displays team members' scores in descending order, along with the number of quizzes they have taken. You can filter the leaderboard by workspaces and search for specific team members to view their scores. Sorting…
Admins and account managers in Zendesk can access quiz drafts created by others, allowing them to edit, delete, or publish these quizzes. You can also delete or archive quizzes, with archiving preventing further participation but allowing you to…
To export quizzes in Zendesk, navigate to the Coaching section and select Quizzes. Click the download icon to export the list of quizzes. For individual quizzes, click the quiz, select the options menu (three dots), and choose Export to download in…