If you're unable to send texts because of an unverified toll-free number, the first step is to contact your account owner. They need to verify the number by completing a form sent to them via email. Once the number is verified, you should be able to send texts without any issues.
The 300032 error occurs when your account has an unverified toll-free number. This error prevents you from sending texts. To resolve this, contact your account owner. They should have received an email with instructions to fill out a form and…
To verify your toll-free number in Zendesk, the account owner needs to take action. They should have received an email with a form to fill out for verification. Once the form is completed and submitted, the toll-free number will be verified,…
To resolve the issue of an unverified toll-free number, you should contact your account owner. They are responsible for verifying the number by filling out a form sent to them via email. Once they complete this process, the number will be verified,…