If you're unable to see any dashboards in Zendesk Explore, it might be because your user role is set to Viewer. Viewers can only access dashboards that have been shared with them.
If no dashboards are visible, it's likely that none have been shared with you or your group. To resolve this, you should contact an admin of your account to either share the necessary dashboards with you or consider upgrading your Explore role. For more details, you can check theoriginal link.
As a Viewer in Zendesk Explore, you can only access dashboards that have been shared with you. If you find that no dashboards are available, it means that none have been shared with you or your group. To gain access, you should reach out to an…
If no dashboards are shared with you in Explore, you won't be able to see any. This is because your role as a Viewer limits access to only those dashboards that have been shared. To fix this, contact an admin of your account to request that the…
Yes, upgrading your Explore role can provide access to more dashboards. As a Viewer, your access is limited to dashboards that are shared with you. If you need broader access, consider discussing with your admin about upgrading your role. This can…