While Zendesk provides metrics like Open status time, it does not natively calculate time duration in business hours within the Support: Ticket updates dataset. Business hours metrics are available in the Support: Tickets dataset. For calculating durations in business hours, you might need to export data and perform calculations externally, such as in Excel, to exclude weekends and holidays.
Zendesk's native Support time duration metrics help you measure the time between two specific events in a ticket's lifecycle. These metrics are not live counters; they calculate the time difference between two event timestamps and record the value…
The First reply time in Zendesk is the duration between the creation of a ticket and the first public agent reply. The first timestamp is when the ticket is created, and the second timestamp is the first public comment by any agent. If the ticket…
First resolution time measures the duration between ticket creation and its first resolution, marked by the ticket status being set to solved for the first time. Full resolution time, on the other hand, measures the duration from ticket creation to…
Requester wait time in Zendesk is the total combined time a ticket spends in the new, open, and on-hold statuses. The first timestamp is when the ticket status changes to new, open, or on-hold, and the second timestamp is when the status changes…
Agent wait time in Zendesk measures the total combined time a ticket is in the pending status. The first timestamp is when the ticket status changes to pending, and the second timestamp is when it changes from pending to any other status. This…
On-hold time in Zendesk is the total combined time a ticket is in the on-hold status. The first timestamp is when the ticket status changes to on-hold, and the second timestamp is when it changes from on-hold to any other status. This metric is…
To exclude On-hold time from Requester wait time in Zendesk, you can calculate it using a standard calculated metric or a result metric calculation. This involves subtracting the On-hold time from the total Requester wait time, allowing you to…