How AI is Transforming Customer Support: Opportunities & Challenges

Discover how AI is transforming customer support by automating routine tasks, allowing your team to focus on complex issues and high-value accounts. Learn how to enhance customer service and stay ahead of competitors.

How AI is Transforming Customer Support: Opportunities & Challenges
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Job Displacement and Opportunities with AI

Of course, some jobs will be lost to AI. But what jobs are there to gain?

Disruption in Customer Support

  • Customer support is being significantly disrupted by AI.
  • Teleperformance (one of the largest outsourced agent providers) has seen shares drop 33% this year.

Automation in Customer Support

  • Much of the work typically done by support agents can now be done by AI.
  • By automating ~75% of your company's customer support requests, the next move isn't necessarily to shrink your team.

Strategic Reallocation of Resources

  1. Dedicate saved time to ~25% of support requests that are more complex.
  1. Spend more time on fast-growing and high-value accounts.

Competitive Advantage

  • Provide significantly better customer service than your competitors.
  • Your agents aren't dealing with password resets or locating basic information already in your help docs and FAQs.

Start using AI customer support in your business today

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Written by

Alex Rainey
Alex Rainey

Alex is an experienced CTO and founder who largely focuses on all the technical areas of My AskAI, from AI Engineering, Technical Product Management and overall Platform Development.

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