Surprising Lessons from AI in Customer Support for SaaS Giants

Discover the counter-intuitive lessons from deploying AI models in production for customer support at large SaaS companies. Learn why expectations for near-perfect, rapid responses in a specific tone are challenging, yet achievable, and how AI is evolving to meet these demands.

Surprising Lessons from AI in Customer Support for SaaS Giants
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Counter-intuitive Learning from Deploying AI Models in Production for Customer Support at Large SaaS Companies

Despite the human-like intelligence of the very latest AI models, people's expectations arestillfar higher than what the models can offer.

Companies Expect:

  1. Near-perfect answers, even to vague questions.
  1. Responses to be less than 3 seconds.
  1. Responses to use a specific tone of voice.
Thankfully, most of this is possible — for us and a small handful of competitors 😅 — and improving every day.
But I still find it surprising at how quickly we've gotten used to the intelligence of these AI models and expect them to operate like our top employees.

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Written by

Alex Rainey
Alex Rainey

Alex is an experienced CTO and founder who largely focuses on all the technical areas of My AskAI, from AI Engineering, Technical Product Management and overall Platform Development.

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