Why NYC's AI Chatbot Launch is Smarter Than You Think

NYC's AI chatbot may have flaws, but launching it was a smart move. Despite media criticism, it's a step forward in helping citizens navigate complex laws. Learn why embracing AI, even imperfectly, can be beneficial. Discover the real impact of NYC's AI initiative.

Why NYC's AI Chatbot Launch is Smarter Than You Think
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The Media Has Missed the Point Entirely from This Story

Yes, NYC's AI chatbot sounds a bit crap. Yes, they didn't test it enough. Yes, they should have chosen a better provider 😉
But, despite knowing there would be issues & possible headlines like this, they released it anyway.

You Might Think "That's Pretty Stupid of Them"

I think it's pretty smart.
  • AI models (like LLMs, ChatGPT, etc.) are not perfect.
  • They're less perfect when they can only answer from a specific knowledge source, e.g. NYC's business/tax laws.

The Only Way to Learn is to Start Using It

  • Add the caveats
  • Acknowledge the risks
  • Launch something
NYC is now miles ahead of other states/cities in leveraging AI to help their citizens access complicated laws & rules more easily.

Media Reaction

Of course, the media is going to pounce on some problematic replies. But what % of its replies were wrong or misleading?
If it's only 5%, then I'd argue that's totally acceptable, given the benefit to people using it.

What's the Alternative? No AI Chatbot?

That means citizens and business owners are navigating through the vast web of regulations and laws and trying to figure out answers for themselves.
  • Will they always come to the correct conclusion? Definitely not.

The Real Question

Will an AI chatbot help more people get the right answer?
I think, yes.

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Written by

Alex Rainey
Alex Rainey

Alex is an experienced CTO and founder who largely focuses on all the technical areas of My AskAI, from AI Engineering, Technical Product Management and overall Platform Development.