13 Reasons AI-First Startups Will Outpace Big Tech Giants

Discover 13 compelling reasons why AI-first companies are set to disrupt big incumbents. From lower development costs to AI-rich products and data-driven decisions, it's the perfect time to launch a tech startup. Learn how AI can give you a competitive edge today!

13 Reasons AI-First Startups Will Outpace Big Tech Giants
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Jul 15, 2024 11:44 AM
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Jun 12, 2024
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13 Reasons Why AI-First Companies Are Going to Cause Serious Problems for Big Incumbents

It's a spectacular time to start a tech company.
  1. Lower Product Development Costs
  1. Better Employee Productivity, Lower Headcount
  1. AI-Rich Product
      • Intelligence/efficiency baked into everything from day 1
  1. AI Usage Based into Core Pricing
      • Not an "add on"
  1. No Need to "Retrofit" AI
      • Into an existing product/workflow
  1. Ability to Build a Product from the Ground Up
      • Using first principles
  1. Faster Product Development
      • Code or no-code
  1. Lower Cost per Feature
      • Increased ability to experiment
  1. AI Customer Support as Standard
      • Help docs "optimized for AI"
  1. More Data-Driven Decision-Making
      • Ability to ask questions to your product usage data
  1. More Capital-Efficient
      • No need to raise funding or raise less funding and keep more equity
  1. AI is New for Everyone
      • We're all starting from the same point
  1. Understanding the Future
      • AI model costs going to zero
      • Latency going to zero
      • Intelligence is skyrocketing
Just imagine going back to the 90s, with everything we know about today's world.
And your task is to start an internet-first bookstore. Your odds of success are dramatically higher than the big incumbents. You're also gonna have a lot more fun 😄

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Written by

Alex Rainey
Alex Rainey

Alex is an experienced CTO and founder who largely focuses on all the technical areas of My AskAI, from AI Engineering, Technical Product Management and overall Platform Development.