Why AI Prompting Beats Benchmarking for Real-World Success

Discover why focusing on AI model benchmarks might be overrated. Learn how improving your prompts and instructions can yield better results, as we did with the new OpenAI GPT-4o model. Leave benchmarking to academics and enhance real-world applications today!

Why AI Prompting Beats Benchmarking for Real-World Success
Created time
Jul 15, 2024 11:44 AM
Publish date
Jun 17, 2024
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Everyone obsesses over AI model "benchmarks" and "performance metrics".

But here's the truth: the gains are marginal at best.

Most people would gain far more from improving their prompting and instruction of these models.

Case in point:

  1. We adopted the new OpenAI GPT-4o model a few weeks ago and initially saw 2x as many "unanswerable" questions.
  1. Instead of looking for different models, we took the time to re-engineer our prompts to fit the model.
  1. Now we get way better results than we had even before.

Leave AI benchmarking to academics, focus on real world applications.

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Written by

Mike Heap
Mike Heap

Mike is an experienced Product Manager who focuses on all the “non-development” areas of My AskAI, from finance and customer success to product design, copywriting, testing and more.

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