OpenAI’s GPT vs. My AskAI: Which Is Better For You?

OpenAI’s new GPTs feature is a powerful way to customize ChatGPT and create specialized AI chatbots. Training is simple, customization is entirely conversational, and the potential use cases are almost limitless.

OpenAI’s GPT vs. My AskAI: Which Is Better For You?
Created time
Nov 23, 2023 01:41 PM
Publish date
Nov 23, 2023
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OpenAI’s new GPTs feature is a powerful way to customize ChatGPT and create specialized AI chatbots. Training is simple, customization is entirely conversational, and the potential use cases are almost limitless.
But what if you could gain better results by incorporating another tool?
In this My AskAI guide, we’ll review OpenAI’s GPT and offer our best alternative for you to explore. We’ll cover features, use cases, and pricing to help you decide if you want to leverage the power of one (or both!) of these tools to meet your needs.
Let’s dive in.

What Are OpenAI’s GPTs?

ChatGPT is an AI chatbot based on OpenAI’s GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) models. The company recently launched GPTs—a new feature that lets users create custom versions of ChatGPT designed to serve specific purposes.
The idea makes a lot of sense. ChatGPT is a powerful tool, but its knowledge is very general. You can’t rely on it for specific purposes, like:
  • Customer service
  • Product recommendations
  • Troubleshooting
  • Highly technical skills
  • Expert advice
That’s where GPTs come in. They allow users to customize ChatGPT by “training” it on specific tasks, giving it the ability to answer questions related to whatever field they want it to specialize in.
For example, there’s Java Community’s Legal Advisor GPT.
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This custom version of ChatGPT was trained on documents related to US contract law. This means it can analyze agreements and contracts uploaded by users for potential legal risks, and even provide advice tailored to the user’s situation.

Relevant Features

OpenAI’s GPTs share many features with ChatGPT—but here are a few important differences in terms of features that allow users to customize the behavior and knowledge of GPTs.
Some major features to note:
  • Conversational building process: You can build GPTs from scratch by chatting with ChatGPT—no coding required. This allows for more natural, free-flowing conversations which can be adapted to different contexts.
  • Knowledge base expansion: ChatGPT allows users to add new documents and data sources to the knowledge base, so GPTs can become “smarter” (i.e., access information not found in training data). This is limited to 20 static files.
  • Extendable features: Decide whether your GPT should be able to browse the web, generate images, or analyze complex datasets.
  • Custom actions: Integrate with third-party APIs to access even more features and services (like My AskAI—more on that later).


GPTs are only available to ChatGPT Plus ($20/month) and Enterprise (custom) users.
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OpenAI’s model is more suitable for users who need a flexible, usage-based pricing model, especially for larger-scale or more complex NLP tasks.

Who Are OpenAI’s GPTs For?

OpenAI’s GPTs are customizable—and that means they’re potentially useful for a wide variety of users. A quick Google search will reveal thousands of GPTs for all kinds of uses, from blog posts and customer service queries to legal documents and health advice.
There are definitely limitations that prevent GPTs from being a one-size-fits-all solution, though.
For example, let’s say you want to build a GPT answers customer questions based on your help center content—you’re going to run into a few issues:
  • No support for websites: GPTs can’t crawl your website to build up its knowledge base, so you’ll need to download webpages as documents.
  • Document limits: If you have more than 20 documents in your help center, the GPT won’t be able to accurately answer every customer question.
  • Manual updating: Every time you change something in your help center, you’ll need to manually update the GPT.
Luckily, there’s a simple solution to these three issues that boosts the accuracy and convenience of GPTs—linking them to My AskAI.

What Is My AskAI?

My AskAI is a tool that lets users create AI chatbots armed with unlimited custom knowledge and language-based rules. With My AskAI, you can create an AI assistant that’s equipped to answer any customer query, no matter how complex or specific.
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Creating your My AskAI is simple–just connect your documents (PDFs, DOCs, CSVs, etc.), document sources (Notion or Google Drive), or websites, and customize your chatbot’s response style. You can then ask your assistant questions and receive accurate answers (based on the data) back in a few seconds.
By connecting My AskAI to your custom GPT as an action during the setup phase, you can take advantage of the power of ChatGPT plus the flexibility and customizability of My AskAI.

Relevant Features

  • Flexible API: Use our developer-friendly API to link My AskAI with other tools—like custom GPTs.
  • Automatic Updating: Connect document storage sources (Notion or Google Drive) or websites so that your chatbot is always operating with up-to-date info.
  • (Almost) Unlimited Training Data: Upload up to 10,000 training content.
  • Quick Setup: Get your chatbot set up and trained in as little as 5 minutes.
  • Instant, Reliable Answers: Answer questions reliably using data you connect (complete with citations).
  • Multilingual Support: Respond to customers in 95 languages for global coverage.
  • Seamless IntegrationsIntegrate with tons of third-party apps for a comprehensive feature set.

Pricing Model of My AskAI

My AskAI offers both free and paid plans. The free forever plan gives you one AI chatbot, 10 document uploads, 50 questions per month, and customizable tones and answer styles.
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If you want to expand these limitations and access advanced features like Slack and WhatsApp integration, analytics, and lead collection, you can subscribe to one of the following paid plans:
  • Hobby ($13.30/month)
  • Pro ($66/month)
  • Beast ($666/month)

Use Cases for My AskAI + GPT

As we’ve already established, creating a GPT with OpenAI is easy, but there are limitations when adding in external knowledge. If you create a GPT and connect it to My AskAI as an action within your GPT, then it’s significantly better.
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By combining My AskAI with OpenAI’s GPT models, you can create a powerful synergy for various use cases, leveraging the strengths of both platforms.
Here are some potential use cases:

1. Enhanced Customer Support

  • GPT's Role: Use GPT to generate natural language responses to customer inquiries, providing fast, coherent, and contextually accurate answers.
  • My AskAI's Role: Integrate GPT with My AskAI's knowledge base to offer precise, company-specific information, ensuring that responses are not only intelligent but also tailored to the company's products, services, or policies.

2. Efficient Internal Knowledge Management

  • GPT's Role: Utilize GPT's natural language understanding to interpret and process internal queries from employees.
  • My AskAI's Role: My AskAI can serve as a centralized repository for internal documents and data, providing GPT with the necessary information to answer queries related to company processes, historical data, and internal guidelines.

3. Real-Time Business Data Analysis

  • GPT's Role: Analyzing accounting or performance data, generating charts and tables, offering insights, recommendations, and summaries.
  • My AskAI's Role: Giving the GPT access to up-to-date PDFs and CSVs, and providing it with the ability to quickly process and analyze large volumes of data.

4. Research Advisor

  • GPT's Role: Generating answers to prompts, accessing the web for related articles, and providing relevant facts from trusted sources.
  • My AskAI's Role: Pulling information from uploaded research articles and citing sources within those articles.
In each of these use cases, the combination of My AskAI's organizational and retrieval capabilities with GPT's advanced language processing skills can be pretty skillful at enhancing efficiency, accuracy, and user experience across different domains.

Who Is My AskAI For?

My AskAI caters to a wide range of groups including:
Content Creators:
  • Bloggers
  • YouTubers
  • Podcasters
  • Writers
Small Businesses:
  • Startups
  • Local businesses
  • Online retailers
Customer Support Teams:
  • Companies with frequent customer queries
  • E-commerce platforms
  • Service providers
  • Consultants
  • Coaches
  • Freelancers
  • Online course instructors
  • Teachers
  • Trainers
Marketing Professionals:
  • Social media managers
  • Digital marketers
  • PR professionals
Tech-Savvy Individuals:
  • Developers
  • IT professionals
  • Entrepreneurs
My AskAI’s assistance can be incredibly useful in many situations–from research, to customer service, content marketing, personal productivity and more.

OpenAI’s GPT vs. My AskAI: Feature Comparison

OpenAI’s GPT
My AskAI
Primary Function
Natural language understanding and generation
Information retrieval within organizational data
Use Cases
Content creation, virtual assistance, language translation, creative writing, etc.
Customer support, internal knowledge management, content summarization, multilingual information retrieval, etc.
Language Support
Supports 50+ languages
Supports 95 different languages
Can be integrated into various applications and platforms
Can be integrated with over 5,000 third-party tools
Offers model customization through fine-tuning
Provides limitless branding customizations
Standard security features
Bank-grade encryption for enhanced security
Pricing Model
Usage-based, pay per 1,000 tokens
Free plan and tiered pricing plans
Setup and Ease of Use
Requires some technical knowledge for integration and usage
Quick and easy setup, user-friendly
Analytics and Reporting
Not primarily focused on analytics
Offers usage analytics

Wrapping Up

OpenAI's GPT is a powerful and versatile tool suitable for a wide range of applications, especially where advanced natural language processing is required. Its ability to integrate with various platforms adds to its appeal, so using it with a solution like My AskAI can help you get the best out of both tools.
Ready to get started? Sign up for our free plan today to experience a more efficient workflow.

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Written by

Alex Rainey
Alex Rainey

Alex is an experienced CTO and founder who largely focuses on all the technical areas of My AskAI, from AI Engineering, Technical Product Management and overall Platform Development.