5 Easy Steps To Build Your Own AI Assistant

Building your own AI assistant is now easier than ever. Using our guide, you can create one today in a few minutes.

5 Easy Steps To Build Your Own AI Assistant
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Jun 3, 2024 04:17 AM
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Jun 3, 2024
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Of all the fuss AI has brought to us, there’s one thing that we absolutely love about it—AI enables us to create plenty of stuff on our own. With a few clicks, AI can help you produce Picasso-inspired art, write Tolkienesque stories, or plan your next summer getaway.
Even more impressively, you can now build your own AI assistant. Years ago, you had to possess high-level technical coding skills to build an AI assistant of the same caliber as Amazon’s Alexa or ChatGPT. But now, you can create one even if you’re a complete no-code person.
The question now is how.
How can you build your own AI assistant like a piece of cake? Read on and let us guide you into it.

What is an AI Assistant?

An AI assistant is a computer software or an application that uses artificial intelligence to perform tasks quickly without human intervention.
For instance, an AI assistant can help find information from your database, entertain customer questions, collect user feedback, or set daily reminders. Instead of hiring a human assistant to perform these tasks, you can use AI, which is faster, more effective, and minimizes errors.
Of course, AI assistants aren’t sentient yet. But by using machine learning algorithms, they can imitate human reasoning and cognition, enabling them to understand problems and provide solutions based on their training data.
By using Large Language Models (LLMs), AI assistants can learn from massive datasets the ability to “comprehend” how words come together and craft human-like phrases or sentences.

Types of AI Assistants

Here are some common types of AI assistants used in customer support, marketing, sales, e-commerce, education, and other fields:
  • AI Chatbots: Often appearing as website live chat widgets, AI chatbots can address people’s questions in seconds. They interact using conversational messages while assisting customers.
  • AI Email Assistants: AI email assistants can be deployed to your email messaging platform to automatically respond to messages received via email.
  • Voice-based Assistants: Understand voice commands and processes them to perform tasks such as browsing the web, playing music, or setting an alarm.
  • AI Writing Assistants: Perform content generation, proofreading, or text summarization based on a provided prompt.
  • Task-Specific AI Assistants: These assistants perform specialized tasks within a particular industry. For instance, an AI assistant for the capital markets can track stock price trends over a period of time.

Benefits of Building Your Own AI Assistants

Creating your own AI assistants can be a worthwhile investment as it provides a lot of benefits for your business:

Automation and Efficiency

One of AI assistants’ primary purposes is to accomplish repetitive, menial tasks quickly, giving your employees more time to deal with more complex tasks. This leads to overall improvements in efficiency and productivity.
For instance, AI chatbots can automatically resolve around 75% of customer queries faster than a support representative. At this performance rate, customers no longer need to wait in lines just to get solutions to their problems.

Scalable Service

AI assistants can handle large volumes of workflows simultaneously at the same speed.
For example, even if 10 people ask for information about your products at the same time, an AI chatbot can provide detailed responses to all customers simultaneously.

Personalized Experience

Generic AI assistants like ChatGPT aren’t capable of handling company-specific tasks. A personalized internal AI assistant can learn your business-specific data to meet your needs. For instance, if you need a detailed rundown of your software’s specifications, your AI assistant can write it for you in a heartbeat.

Avoids Human Errors

Industries such as healthcare and finance are now counting on AI assistants to provide accurate information to clients with concerns involving health and livelihood.
Unlike human staff, who are prone to making inaccurate responses, AI assistants stick to their training data of industry-specific knowledge, ensuring reliable information.

How To Create Your Own AI Assistant?

Now that you have an idea of what AI assistants can do for you, follow our guide to build your own AI assistant today:

1. Determine Your AI Assistant’s Functionalities

Ask yourself: What can an AI assistant do for your business?
The function or purpose of your AI assistant should align with your objective. It must be able to perform tasks that can resolve your problems.
For instance, if your goal is to boost CSAT by providing faster support service, then an AI assistant that can promptly resolve customer requests is what you need.
Or, if your goal is to improve lead generation, an AI assistant that can automatically engage, qualify, and follow up on leads is what you need.

2. Decide Where To Put Your AI Assistant

After defining your AI assistant’s functions, decide where you want to place it—should it be within your website (as a live chat widget), within your social media platforms, or integrated into your current productivity and support tools?
The AI assistant’s destination should be parallel to its functions. For instance, if you opt for an AI chatbot that tends to customer requests, then its destination should be your support channels like a website, social media platform, or your existing live chat provider.

3. Prepare the AI Assistant’s Training Data

Your AI assistant’s performance depends on the quality of the data it was trained on. So, before you feed it with your content and files, make sure that they are up-to-date, clear, and accurate.

4. Train and Customize Your AI Assistant Using a Third-Party Software

There are plenty of no-code software options available that can automatically train your AI assistant in minutes.
For instance, My AskAI creates AI customer support agents (like chatbots), providing instant conversational answers to any customer questions about your products. To train an AI agent, add all pages from your website and subdomains, knowledge bases (like Google Drive or Notion), and help documents.
Afterward, customize the AI assistant’s company name, brand logo, brand color, and welcome message. You can also tweak the assistant’s behavior and tone to make it suitable for your target audience.

5. Implement and Monitor Your AI Assistant

Once your assistant is ready, embed it on your website, add it to your social media platforms, or integrate it with your CRM tools. Don’t forget to continuously monitor its performance over time and determine if customers feel satisfied or frustrated using it.
It’s also crucial to continuously update your AI assistant’s data so its service remains up-to-date and relevant. Some assistants already feature automatic syncing of page updates to their content source. If there’s none, manually perform the sync.

Make Your Own AI Online Assistant Today

Creating your own AI assistant may seem daunting, but with tools like My AskAI, producing an AI chatbot becomes easier and faster.
No need to study coding 101 just to get it right—simply add your web pages and internal knowledge bases to train them in minutes.
Start using My AskAI today and have an AI agent for your website and live chat provider.

Start using AI customer support in your business today

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Written by

Alex Rainey
Alex Rainey

Alex is an experienced CTO and founder who largely focuses on all the technical areas of My AskAI, from AI Engineering, Technical Product Management and overall Platform Development.