Prevent Dead Ends: Boost Product Conversion and User Satisfaction

Prevent dead ends in your product and boost conversions! Learn how to tackle artificial and actual dead ends with effective strategies like product tours, intuitive UI/UX, and engaging completion screens. Keep users engaged and guide them seamlessly through your product journey.

Prevent Dead Ends: Boost Product Conversion and User Satisfaction
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Dead Ends Kill Product Conversion and Frustrate Users

There are 2 types of dead ends in products, but many ways you can prevent them.

The 1st Type: Artificial Dead End

Have you ever signed up for something and landed on a dashboard with no clear next action? You end up having to click around to work out how to use the product and get value from it; most won't get that far.

How to Solve Artificial Dead Ends:

  1. Product tours, videos, and guides
  1. UI and UX that nudges a user towards certain actions
      • Use of bright colors
      • Animation
      • Filters to block out advanced features
  1. Create a stripped-back flow for 1st-time users
      • Focus them on one action on each screen

The 2nd Type: Actual Dead End

You manage to use the product and complete your action but then don't know what to do.

How to Solve Actual Dead Ends:

  1. Offer an opportunity for the user to navigate back to a dashboard or start another action
  1. Show a completion screen of sorts (confetti is a common one) with options to share socially
  1. Ensure that you always give the user a "way out" or a way to rectify the dead end if they haven't reached their "aha" moment
Have you seen any ingenious ways to prevent dead ends and uncertainty in your product?

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Written by

Mike Heap
Mike Heap

Mike is an experienced Product Manager who focuses on all the “non-development” areas of My AskAI, from finance and customer success to product design, copywriting, testing and more.

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