Boost Conversions: Easy Way to Generate Customer Testimonials

Boost your conversion rates with customer testimonials! Discover an easy way to generate them from your support chats using ChatGPT. Follow our step-by-step guide to create, approve, and publish testimonials effortlessly. Plus, learn how My AskAI can automate this process for you.

Boost Conversions: Easy Way to Generate Customer Testimonials
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FACT: Customer Testimonials Improve Conversion

But getting customers to write them isn't easy. Here's a quick way to generate them from your customer support:
  1. Search for Positive Phrases
      • Look for "love", "thank you!", "thanks!" or any other super positive phrases in your customer support chat histories.
  1. Generate Testimonials Using ChatGPT
      • Take the chat history and pass it into ChatGPT with a prompt asking for it to write a short testimonial from the history.
      • Tip:Make sure you have "training" turned off in ChatGPT for privacy.
  1. Get Customer Approval
      • Share the AI-generated testimonial with the customer, asking if they are happy for you to share it.
  1. Publish the Testimonial
      • Publish the testimonial on your site.


  • If you're a My AskAI user, you can just review your Insights to find these positive reviews, or set up a Zap for this process to generate and send them automatically.

Why Does This Work?

  • Users are happy to leave testimonials but often don't have the time or get around to them.
  • If you can make it an "approve" or "edit" task rather than a "create" task, then you turn a 15-30 min task for them into a 1-2 min one.

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Written by

Mike Heap
Mike Heap

Mike is an experienced Product Manager who focuses on all the “non-development” areas of My AskAI, from finance and customer success to product design, copywriting, testing and more.