Maximize ROI with Hyper-Personalization in Customer Success

Discover how Stripe's Customer Success team uses hyper-personalization to enhance ROI and build strong connections with entrepreneurs. Learn the impact of thoughtful, unique gifts on customer relationships.

Maximize ROI with Hyper-Personalization in Customer Success
Created time
Jul 27, 2024 05:04 PM
Publish date
Jul 27, 2024
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Hyper-personalization in Customer Success can bring some of the best ROI

Stripe's CS team does an incredible job of "the little things":
  1. Here are 3 entrepreneurs who will have paid Stripe thousands in fees
  1. As a thank you, the Stripe team sends them each a unique gift, hyper-personalized to their business and journey
  1. The gifts are so thoughtful the entrepreneurs can't help but share them
Not only does this improve the connection with the entrepreneur themselves, but it also puts a positive light on Stripe to 100k+ (impressions) highly relevant customers across the 3 posts.
All for <$1k in total I'd imagine. Because of the outsized impact, they won't need to do the same for all users. But imagine the impact if they did...
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Written by

Mike Heap
Mike Heap

Mike is an experienced Product Manager who focuses on all the “non-development” areas of My AskAI, from finance and customer success to product design, copywriting, testing and more.