Boost Your Support Efficiency: Deflect 20% More Tickets with AI

Discover how we boosted AI support ticket resolution by 20% for a new enterprise client using our innovative Intercom integration. Learn how injecting customer account info into our AI assistant led to an 85% resolution rate, outperforming competitors like Intercom and Zendesk at a fraction of the cost.

Boost Your Support Efficiency: Deflect 20% More Tickets with AI
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Jul 15, 2024 11:44 AM
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Publish date
May 20, 2024
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We Recently Discovered a Method to Deflect 20% More Support Tickets Than We Were Already

Here's the Back Story:

A few weeks ago, we signed up a new enterprise client that has 100k+ support tickets per month. They're using our direct Intercom integration that replaces Intercom Fin with My AskAI.
  • Initially, they were seeing around 60% of support conversations.
  • Consider that for a moment. Within 2 weeks, 14,000 support tickets were being handled by our AI support agent.
  • It's fair to say we were all pleasantly surprised.
But then we looked into the questions that our AI wasn't resolving. These questions all required some account information about the customer to be answered properly.


So we created a way to inject customer account information into the AI assistant to help it understand more about the customer.

The Result

  1. 20% more support conversations resolved by our AI support agent. Overnight.
  1. For context, our average customer AI resolution rate is around 70%. A 20% increase here would bring it up to almost 85%.
  1. That's over 8 in 10 support tickets being completely handled by AI.

Competitive Edge

  • Intercom doesn't do this.
  • Zendesk doesn't do this.
It's one of the many little things that we feel helps keep us ahead of the competition. And at 1/5th of the cost.

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Written by

Alex Rainey
Alex Rainey

Alex is an experienced CTO and founder who largely focuses on all the technical areas of My AskAI, from AI Engineering, Technical Product Management and overall Platform Development.