4 Key Lessons from Intercom's Free Book for B2B/SaaS Founders

Discover actionable advice for B2B/SaaS founders in Intercom's free book. Learn to price your product right, engage lazy users, improve existing markets, and maximize revenue expansion.

4 Key Lessons from Intercom's Free Book for B2B/SaaS Founders
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Intercom's Founders Released a Book

8+ years ago, Intercom's founders released a book packed full of actionable advice for B2B/SaaS founders. It's free (and short). Here are 4 things I'm taking away 👇

1. You're Probably Charging Too Little for Your Product

The ultimate signal you've created something valuable is that people are willing to pay a non-trivial amount of money for it.
  • Experiment with your pricing.
  • Don't be afraid to charge for what you think is fair.

2. Users Are Lazy

Users likely have an ambient attention for your product. It's hard for them to remember to regularly come back to your product to get value from it (at the start).
  • Bring value out of your product & deliver it to them.
  • Use Slack notifications, weekly reports, etc.

3. Creating New Behaviours, Markets, and Patterns is Playing Startups on Hard Mode

  • Don't be afraid of being boring.
  • It's much harder for an unknown startup to create a new product category.
  • Dream big, but start out by drastically improving something familiar.

4. B2B is Special

Churn is low, and it's expected to have revenue expansion in your customer base, e.g., they spend more each year as they get more value from your product.
  • Avoid making something unlimited that provides value.
  • Each customer needs a path to more $$.

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Written by

Alex Rainey
Alex Rainey

Alex is an experienced CTO and founder who largely focuses on all the technical areas of My AskAI, from AI Engineering, Technical Product Management and overall Platform Development.