Balancing Startup Life and Parenthood: Essential Tips for Founders

Balancing life as a founder and parent is challenging but rewarding. Discover tips to manage your time, reduce stress, and find joy in parenthood. Learn how to be more productive, set boundaries, and prioritize self-care. Embrace the journey and redefine your expectations.

Balancing Startup Life and Parenthood: Essential Tips for Founders
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Dec 18, 2023
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Was recently asked for tips as a founder + parent. It's hard! Not gonna lie.

You're constantly exhausted. Your free time evaporates. Your life priorities literally change overnight.

My thoughts and tips 👇

First off, you'll unlock a part of yourself you've never met. And you won't believe the joy / de-stressing effect a smile from your little one can have.

My tips:

  1. You must be more productive + stricter with your time / day.Find ways to save time or just drop some things.
  1. Try hard to not always be working in front of your kid.Work between X - Y, and then actually stop.
  1. Take a little time after work to decompress & clear your mind.Work <> child context switching is hard!
  1. Schedule alone time with your partner(sounds OTT, but it's vital).

Most important 👇

  1. Alter the expectations you have of yourself.You cannot work as hard and as long as the version of yourself without a kid.
Still working on following these tips myself, good days and hard days.
Oh, and nothing at work will seem as hard anymore 😃

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Written by

Alex Rainey
Alex Rainey

Alex is an experienced CTO and founder who largely focuses on all the technical areas of My AskAI, from AI Engineering, Technical Product Management and overall Platform Development.

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