If your Explore dashboard shows 0 Chat agents, it means you haven't enabled the Zendesk Agent Workspace and migrated from Chat departments to groups.
The dashboard is designed to work with the updated structure of agent groups, so if you're still using the older Chat departments, it won't display the correct number of online agents. To fix this, enable the Zendesk Agent Workspace and switch to using groups. For more information, refer to the article onManaging agent groups in the Zendesk Agent Workspace.
If your Explore live dashboard shows 0 Chat agents when filtering by Chat department, it's likely because you haven't enabled the Zendesk Agent Workspace and migrated from Chat departments to groups. The issue arises because the system relies on…
To fix the issue of 0 Chat agents showing on the Explore dashboard, you need to enable the Zendesk Agent Workspace and migrate from Chat departments to groups. This problem occurs because the dashboard relies on the updated structure of agent…