Currently, there is no direct way to link merged and merged-into tickets in Zendesk Explore reports. Theclosed_by_merged
tag is only applied to the closed ticket, and no tag is added to the existing ticket.
If you want to see a connection between merged tickets, you might consider using custom metrics or reaching out to Zendesk's professional services for assistance. However, as of now, the system does not inherently support this type of reporting.
You can report on tickets that were closed by merging them into another ticket using theclosed_by_merged
tag. This tag is automatically added to the closed ticket, allowing you to track and report on these specific tickets. When a ticket is…
When you merge a ticket into another in Zendesk, only the Attachments and Users from the closed ticket are carried over to the existing ticket. This means that while the closed ticket's data is frozen, the existing ticket will have a note…
Unfortunately, you cannot report on existing tickets to see which tickets were merged into them in Zendesk. Theclosed_by_merged
tag is only added to the closed ticket, not the existing one. This means that while you can report on the closed…
In Zendesk, each ticket is counted as a separate entity based on its unique ticket ID, even if it has been merged into another ticket. This means that merged tickets are still counted as individual tickets in reports. So, if you're looking at…