Best Customer Support Apps on Intercom in 2024

Struggling to deliver top-notch support with Intercom alone? Find the best customer support apps on Intercom to boost your workflow in this article.

Best Customer Support Apps on Intercom in 2024
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May 8, 2024 09:01 AM
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May 8, 2024
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Intercom is already a great customer support platform, but you can further boost its capabilities by installing certain app integrations, such as Zendesk Support, My AskAI, and Salesforce.
In this guide, we’ll discover some of the best customer support apps on Intercom in 2024 and exactly how they boost your support interactions.

Benefits of Using Customer Support Apps on Intercom

In general, using customer support apps on Intercom improves efficiency, makes communication seamless, and enhances the overall experience of your customers.

Improved efficiency

App integrations can help centralize your tools for various tasks. Instead of switching between apps, you can just access them on Intercom itself.
For example, adding an integration for co-browsing (which Intercom lacks) lets you see a customer’s screen without using video-conferencing tools like Google Meet or requesting for screenshots.

Seamless communication

Deploying an AI chatbot helps deflect requests that can be resolved with self-service resources. If human intervention is needed, integrations with conversation history features and automation can also provide a seamless handover.

Enhanced user experience

Some app integrations, such as session replay tools, let you see exactly how users navigate your platform, identify any pain points, or determine areas of confusion they encounter. This way, you can view a user's recent actions before reaching out for contextual assistance. You can also provide proactive customer support and enhance the UX.

Top Customer Support Apps on Intercom for Seamless Communication

If you’re handling support tickets on another platform, being able to load them directly on Intercom via integrations will make your workflow more efficient.
Apps may also resolve the limitations of Intercom’s Help Desk Messenger features. Calls don’t work when the customer is on a mobile device. So, you might need to contact them on another platform. The same goes for video call requests.
Here are three of the best customer support apps on Intercom for seamless communication.

Zendesk Support

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Zendesk Support is a ticketing system that helps businesses track and manage support interactions. Integrating it into Intercom lets you access and manage tickets directly within your Intercom inbox. This helps in terms of:
  • Complete customer context: When a customer contacts you through Intercom chat, you can instantly see their past and existing Zendesk tickets attached to their email address.
  • Faster resolution times: Having customer history readily available lets you understand past and current interactions faster, which can help you generate quicker fixes.
You can also forward conversations from Intercom to Zendesk as tickets seamlessly (requires Messages Pro or Inbox Pro).
Pricing: Suite plans (required) start at $55 per agent per month. Free trial available.

My AskAI

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If you're looking to add an AI layer to your customer support, My AskAI is an excellent option. It lets you create an AI chatbot that can answer common questions and handle basic support requests. While Intercom also has its own built-in chatbot powered by Fin AI, opting for My AskAI may bring you better benefits due to the following reasons:
  • Wider knowledge base: My AskAI integrates with files, websites, and other sources for your chatbots. Meanwhile, Fin is limited to content found on your website and Intercom system.
  • More cost-effective pricing structure: Fin charges $0.99 per resolution, which is much higher than My AskAI’s $0.10 per conversation. Put this in high-volume customer interactions, and the difference matters.
  • Better customization: My AskAI offers really good customization options that you can use for branding.
  • Low-code integration: You can easily integrate your My AskAI chatbots with your Intercom workflow with just a single line of code.
Pricing: Free plan available. Paid plans start at $13.30 per month.


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ServiceBell is also a chatbot platform but with a focus on live video chats. You can integrate it directly into Intercom's chat popup, allowing customers to request for face-to-face assistance easily. Here’s more about why it’s a great Intercom app:
  • Screensharing: By seeing the problem on the customer’s screen directly, your agents can devise solutions more quickly.
  • In-app calls: You and your customers don’t have to jump onto another platform to do video calls.
You can also see how your customers interact with your website via session replay, which is something that Intercom lacks.
Pricing: Free plan available. Paid plans start at $500 per month.

Top Customer Support Apps on Intercom with CRM Integrations

Customer relationship management (CRM) tools act as a central hub for your customer data, which your agents can leverage during customer interactions. Integrating them into your Intercom workflow helps supercharge your support sessions.
Here are two of the top customer support apps on Intercom that have CRM integrations.


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Salesforce is a powerful CRM tool, and integrating it into Intercom lets you create a single, centralized view of your customer data. As such, you can
  • Access complete customer information: For example, you can see customer details like lead status, account information, and past interactions (all stored in Salesforce) without leaving the Intercom interface.
  • Personalized support: Your agents can make the interaction more personalized, which helps build rapport and address customer needs more effectively.
  • Leverage the right agent’s skills: This app integration automatically routes certain support requests to agents best equipped for the issue.
This app integration also automates several tasks, including lead creation in your Salesforce database and real-time data synchronization.
Pricing: Starts at $25 per agent per month. Free trial available.


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Strictly speaking, Clearbit is not a CRM integration. However, it’s a data enrichment tool that can enrich your customer profiles with valuable data points useful for support interactions. Here are more details about exactly how it helps in customer support:
  • Automatic data lookups: When a customer interacts with your Intercom chat, Clearbit automatically pulls in additional data points, such as their company size and industry.
  • Improved personalization: With a richer understanding of your customer, you can personalize your support interactions.
  • Proactive support: Clearbit enrichment may also reveal insights that could indicate potential customer issues.
Pricing: Custom pricing is needed.


Intercom is great, and you can make it even greater with customer support app integrations to address its missing capabilities. One core part of your support workflow is an AI chatbot. And if you want to commit to something more flexible than Intercom’s Fin, My AskAI is worth considering.
Explore My AskAI today and see how it helps your business.

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Written by

Alex Rainey
Alex Rainey

Alex is an experienced CTO and founder who largely focuses on all the technical areas of My AskAI, from AI Engineering, Technical Product Management and overall Platform Development.